JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine : A Pro-Level Home Espresso Maker

Published on July 16, 2023, 12:40 p.m.

Espresso, a unique coffee culture originating from Italy, has conquered coffee lovers worldwide with its rich flavor and mellow taste. In the early 20th century, Italians invented the espresso machine to meet the demand for fast and convenient coffee. With the continuous development of technology, espresso machines have also evolved, from the initial steam-driven to the current pump-pressure type. Each cup of espresso carries a century of historical accumulation. Today, the JASSY JS-103 espresso machine brings this professional coffee experience into your home, allowing you to enjoy an authentic Italian espresso without leaving your house.

 JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine


The JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine is an affordable espresso machine that allows you to brew cafe-quality espresso drinks from the comfort of home. This compact machine features a sleek stainless steel body with black accents on the control panel and measures 12.6 x 13.9 x 10.6 inches, conserving precious counter space. The powerful 1200W heating system delivers fast warm-up times, while the 360° swivel steam wand makes it easy to froth milk for lattes and cappuccinos. It comes with a single/double shot portafilter, tamper, measuring scoop, and metal milk frothing pitcher. Convenient features like the cup warming tray, removable drip tray, and 45 oz water reservoir contribute to an enjoyable brewing experience.

Key Features

  • 20-Bar Italian Pump: Ensures optimal pressure for rich and flavorful espresso extraction.
  • 1200W Thermoblock Heating System: Heats up quickly, allowing you to brew your espresso in no time.
  • 360° Swivel Steam Wand: Easy to use and perfect for frothing milk for lattes and cappuccinos.
  • Single/Double Shot Portafilter: Allows you to brew one or two shots of espresso at a time.
  • Cup Warming Tray: Keeps your cups warm for optimal espresso enjoyment.
  • Large Water Tank: 45oz capacity for brewing multiple drinks without refilling.
  • Removable Drip Tray: Makes cleaning up spills a breeze.
  • Included Accessories: Comes with a measuring scoop, tamper, and metal milk frothing pitcher.
  • Durable Construction: Made with stainless steel for longevity and a professional look.
  • Pressure Gauge: Monitors extraction pressure for consistent results.
  • Adjustable Coffee Dial: Allows you to customize the strength of your espresso.
  • 1-Year Warranty: Provides peace of mind with your purchase.

The Origins and Culture of Espresso

Espresso, a coffee beverage with a rich history and culture, originated in Italy in the early 20th century. It is made by forcing hot water under high pressure through finely-ground coffee beans, resulting in a concentrated and flavorful coffee drink. The invention of the espresso machine revolutionized coffee preparation, making it faster and more convenient. Today, espresso is enjoyed worldwide and has become a staple in many coffee shops and households.

The uniqueness of Italian espresso lies not only in its rich taste and robust aroma but also in the science behind its preparation. High pressure, typically 9 bars or more, is crucial for achieving ideal espresso, as it effectively extracts the best flavors and oils from the coffee grounds. This is why machines like the JASSY JS-103 Espresso Machine are designed to accommodate pressures as high as 20 bar, ensuring optimal extraction with every brew.

Appearance and Design

The JASSY JS-103 Espresso Machine boasts a compact and sleek design, making it a perfect fit for modern kitchens with limited counter space. Its stainless steel body not only exudes elegance but also ensures durability. The machine features an intuitive control panel with push buttons for easy operation, and a convenient cup warming tray on top to keep your cups at the ideal temperature.

The 360° swivel steam wand, positioned on the side, offers flexibility for frothing milk from various angles. However, some users have noted that the steam selector dial feels a bit flimsy and can be challenging to adjust precisely.

The removable water tank, located at the back, is designed for easy removal and refilling. The overall aesthetic and user-friendly design of the JASSY JS-103 make it a suitable choice for both novice and experienced home baristas.

Build Quality

Constructed of stainless steel and plastic, the JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine feels sturdy and durable. The portafilter locks in place securely and all buttons/knobs provide responsive tactile feedback. Internal components like the stainless steel boiler and brewing system are built to last. While mostly metal, some parts like the drip tray and water tank are plastic. Overall, it offers good quality for the price.

Ease of Use

Operating the JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine is straightforward. Just fill the reservoir, allow the machine to preheat, grind coffee into the portafilter, tamp grounds, lock the portafilter into the group head, place cups under the spouts, and brew. The illuminated on/off switch makes it easy to tell when the machine is ready. Programming the shot volume takes some trial and error but is simple once dialed in. Frothing milk with the steam wand also has a learning curve but becomes second nature.

 JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine

Coffee Quality

Thanks to the 20 bar pressure extraction, the JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine delivers rich, full-bodied espresso with robust flavor and a gorgeous crema on top. The high pressure is essential for extracting all the flavors and oils from the coffee grounds, which is key to creating the intense flavor profile and thick crema associated with high-quality espresso.

In addition to the machine’s performance, the type of coffee bean, the degree of roast, and the freshness of the coffee also play a crucial role in making a high-quality espresso.


The JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine offers a variety of functions to help you easily create a wide range of coffee drinks:

  • Espresso Extraction: The 20 bar high-pressure pump ensures full extraction of coffee grounds, releasing rich aroma and flavor to create espresso with rich crema.
  • Milk Frothing: The powerful steam wand can quickly froth delicate milk foam for various fancy coffees, such as cappuccino and latte.
  • Hot Water Function: It can provide hot water for making Americano or tea.
  • Cup Warming: The cup warming area on top of the machine can preheat cups to maintain the temperature and flavor of the coffee.
  • Pressure Gauge Monitoring: The built-in pressure gauge can monitor the extraction pressure in real time to ensure the quality of each cup of coffee.
  • Adjustable Coffee Dial: Adjust the strength and taste of coffee according to personal preference.

 JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine


This JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine comes equipped with everything you need to pull quality shots. The 3-in-1 portafilter accommodates single shot baskets, double shot baskets, and ESE pods. Adjust the integrated coffee dial to your desired strength. The powerful 20 bar Italian pump consistently delivers the right amount of pressure for rich, full-bodied espresso with thick crema.

When making milk-based drinks, the manual steam wand Froths milk quickly and evenly. Simply adjust the dial to switch between steaming and hot water dispensing. The fast 35 second

20-Bar Pressure System

The heart of the JASSY JS-103 is its 20-bar pressure system. This high pressure is essential for extracting the full flavor and aroma from your coffee grounds, resulting in a rich and flavorful espresso with a thick layer of crema. The 20-bar pressure ensures that the water is forced through the coffee grounds at the optimal rate, extracting all the desirable compounds while leaving behind any bitterness. This is a feature typically found in high-end commercial espresso machines, making it a standout feature for a home espresso machine at this price point.

Pressure Gauge

The JASSY JS-103 features a built-in pressure gauge. This allows you to monitor the extraction pressure in real-time, ensuring that your espresso is brewed at the optimal pressure for maximum flavor and crema. The pressure gauge is a valuable tool for both beginners and experienced baristas, as it provides visual feedback on the brewing process and helps you achieve consistent results with every shot.

Powerful 1200W Heating Element

The JASSY JS-103 is equipped with a powerful 1200W heating element. This ensures rapid heating, allowing you to brew your espresso quickly and efficiently. Whether you’re making a single shot or a double shot, you won’t have to wait long for your machine to reach the optimal brewing temperature. This is particularly beneficial for busy mornings or when you have guests over and need to make multiple drinks in a short amount of time.

Single and Double Shot Brewing

The JASSY JS-103 offers the flexibility to brew either a single or double shot of espresso. This is a convenient feature for households with varying coffee preferences. Whether you prefer a strong single shot or a larger double shot, this machine can accommodate your needs. The included portafilter comes with both single and double shot baskets, making it easy to switch between the two.

Adjustable Coffee Strength

The JASSY JS-103 comes with an adjustable coffee dial, allowing you to customize the strength of your espresso. Whether you prefer a milder brew or a more intense shot, you can easily adjust the settings to suit your taste. This feature is particularly useful for households with multiple coffee drinkers who have different preferences.

Cup Warming Tray

The top of the JASSY JS-103 features a cup warming tray. This is a thoughtful feature that helps to maintain the optimal temperature of your espresso. By preheating your cups, you can prevent the espresso from cooling down too quickly, ensuring that you enjoy every sip at the perfect temperature.

 JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine

Milk Frothing:

The powerful steam wand on the JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine froths milk quickly and easily for cafe-quality foam. The microfoam texture is smooth and creamy, perfect for topping drinks.

Understanding Milk Frothing

Frothing milk with the steam wand introduces air into the milk, creating a velvety texture that is essential for beverages like cappuccinos and lattes. The quality of foam can greatly influence the taste and presentation of the drink. The JASSY JS-103’s steam wand is designed to give users control over the frothing process, allowing for customization of the foam’s consistency.

For example, in a cappuccino, the fine microfoam blends perfectly with the espresso, creating a balanced taste. In a latte, a thicker layer of foam provides a richer mouthfeel and allows for longer-lasting latte art.

Other Features

  • Fast Heating Time: The JASSY JS-103 boasts a quick heat-up time of just 35 seconds, allowing you to enjoy your espresso without delay.
  • Removable Water Tank and Drip Tray: The removable water tank and drip tray make refilling and cleaning a breeze, adding to the convenience of using this machine.
  • Dual Spout Portafilter: The portafilter is designed with two spouts, enabling you to brew two cups of espresso simultaneously.

Noise Level:

The JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine operates at around 70dB, which is on par with other home pump espresso machines. The sound is noticeable but not intrusive.

Durable Construction

The JASSY JS-103 is built to last. Its stainless steel construction not only gives it a sleek and professional look but also ensures durability. This machine is designed to withstand regular use, making it a reliable choice for daily espresso brewing. The stainless steel components are resistant to corrosion and wear, ensuring that your machine will continue to function optimally for years to come.

Easy to Clean

The JASSY JS-103 is designed with convenience in mind. The removable water reservoir and drip tray make cleaning a breeze. Simply rinse them under running water and they’re ready to go. The portafilter and steam wand can also be easily cleaned, ensuring that your machine stays in top condition and your espresso tastes its best.

Additional Accessories

The JASSY JS-103 comes with several additional accessories to enhance your espresso-making experience. These include a measuring scoop for precise dosing, a tamper for evenly packing the coffee grounds, and a metal milk frothing pitcher for creating perfectly textured milk foam. These accessories are essential for brewing cafe-quality espresso drinks at home.

Ideal Use Cases

This espresso machine is ideal for:

  • Home baristas on a budget
  • First-time espresso machine owners
  • Small households or couples
  • Office kitchens and break rooms
  • RV/camper kitchens
  • College apartments or dorm rooms
  • Those who want to enjoy high-quality coffee while traveling

It has the power to keep up with daily home use but the compact size for small spaces. The fast heat up and recovery times make it easy to brew shot after shot. It works well for basic espresso, americanos, lattes, and cappuccinos.

Analyzing User Reviews

With over 180 customer reviews on Amazon, the JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine has earned an impressive average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars, indicating a high level of satisfaction among buyers.

The vast majority of reviews glow about the machine’s ability to craft delicious espresso shots and frothy milk with ease. Users consistently praise the sheer richness and complex flavor notes produced by the 20 bar pressure extraction. Many describe the espresso as smooth, robust, and topped with a thick layer of golden crema - just like a professional cafe.

When it comes to milk-based drinks, reviews rave about the feather-light foam and microfoam texture generated by the steam wand. Users mention how easy it is to achieve artisan-level milk frothing with just the dial control. Many also appreciated the convenience of the cup warming tray to preheat their mugs.

Regarding drawbacks, a few users pointed out the portafilter basket is on the smaller side for making double shots of espresso. Some felt the brewing time was a bit slow when making a single cup. However, neither critique was common among reviews.

Overall, the vast majority of feedback highlights the JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine’s incredible performance, especially for the reasonable price point. Users say it punches far above its weight and delivers exceptional espresso and milk beverages comparable to commercial machines costing much more.

Pros and Cons


  • Powerful 20 bar pressure for rich espresso extraction
  • Fast, effective steam wand for frothing milk
  • Compact footprint saves counter space
  • Easy to use and clean
  • Fast 35 second heat up time
  • Removable water tank and drip tray
  • Capable of making single and double shots
  • Budget-friendly price


  • Portafilter can be difficult to lock in completely
  • Requires freshly ground coffee for best results
  • Milk frothing takes practice to master
  • Mostly plastic accessories and attachments
  • No programmable options


The JASSY JS-103 Espresso Machine currently retails for $149.99 on Amazon. This is very affordable compared to similar espresso machines which can cost $400-600. In addition, the product comes with a 1-year warranty for peace of mind. For the price, you get a high-quality stainless steel construction, commercial-grade 20 bar pressure pump, fast heating times, and effective steam wand. The 3-in-1 portafilter and included accessories like tamper, scoop, and milk pitcher also add value. Overall, this machine delivers professional espresso and milk frothing abilities at a budget-friendly price point.

 JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine


For home baristas seeking an affordable, entry-level machine capable of brewing true espresso complete with crema, the JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine is a great choice. Novices will appreciate the straightforward interface and instructions while more experienced users will be pleased with the 20 bar pump pressure and fast steam wand heating. With consistent extraction and milk frothing abilities rivaling pricier models, this compact workhorse punches above its weight class. For any coffee lover who wants to easily create professional-grade espresso drinks at home, the JASSY JS-103 is a worthy contender.

 JASSY JS-103 Espresso Coffee Machine


  • Pump Pressure: 20 bar
  • Boiler Material: Stainless steel
  • Boiler Capacity: 170ml
  • Power: 1200 watts
  • Voltage: 110V
  • Dimensions: 12.6 x 13.9 x 10.6 in.
  • Water Tank Capacity: 45 oz.
  • Weight: 11 lbs.

Box Includes:

  • JASSY JS-103 espresso machine
  • Portafilter with two filter baskets
  • Coffee scoop
  • Tamper
  • Measuring spoon
  • Milk frothing pitcher

1-Year Warranty

The JASSY JS-103 comes with a 1-year warranty, providing peace of mind with your purchase. This warranty covers any defects in materials or workmanship, ensuring that you can enjoy your espresso machine without worry. In the unlikely event that you encounter any issues, JASSY’s customer service team is available to assist you.