Gevi GECME418E-U Espresso Machine - Delicious Espresso with Ease

Published on July 17, 2023, 2:15 p.m.

Coffee is not just a beverage; it carries rich culture and history. It is said that the discovery of coffee dates back to the 9th century in Ethiopia, where a shepherd noticed his sheep becoming unusually active after eating certain berries, marking the discovery of coffee beans. Over time, coffee spread to the Arabian Peninsula, where coffee culture began to form. By the 15th century, coffeehouses became widespread in the Middle East, serving as places for socializing and discussion. In the 17th century, coffee reached Europe, sparking a social revolution. Today, coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide, with hundreds of millions of people enjoying the pleasure it brings every day.

The Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine is an affordably priced espresso machine that allows you to brew cafe-quality espresso drinks at home. With a 20 bar pressure system and fast heating thermoblock, this compact machine can produce rich, aromatic espresso shots, frothy cappuccinos, and more. Read on for a detailed review of the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine’s features, performance, design, and overall value.

Coffee Varieties Introduction

Before diving into the details of the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine, let’s understand some basic knowledge about coffee. The quality of coffee beans is a critical factor in determining the goodness of a cup of coffee. There are mainly two types of coffee beans in the world: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica beans typically have a sweeter and more delicate flavor, with lower caffeine content, while Robusta beans have a stronger taste and higher caffeine content. Understanding these basics can help us better comprehend the performance of the coffee machine and how it affects the final coffee flavor.

 Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine


  • 20 bar pressure for optimal extraction
  • Fast thermoblock heating system
  • Adjustable steam wand for frothing milk
  • Removable water tank - 35oz capacity
  • Stainless steel construction
  • Compact footprint - good for small kitchens
  • Included accessories: portafilter, filter baskets, tamper, etc.

 Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine

Features and Benefits

  • 20 Bar Pressure: The high-pressure 20 bar pump consistently extracts flavorful espresso shots with thick, creamy crema.

  • Fast Heat Up: Thanks to the 1350W thermoblock heating system, the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine is ready to brew in just 45 seconds. No more waiting around for your morning coffee.

  • Steam Wand: Easily froth milk with the adjustable steam wand to create lattes and cappuccinos. The removable froth nozzle also makes cleaning a breeze.

  • Single and Double Shots: Brew single or double shots at the touch of a button. The 35 oz removable water tank allows brewing multiple drinks before refilling.

  • Stainless Steel Build: The brushed stainless steel housing is fingerprint-resistant and easy to keep clean.

  • Built-in Pressure Gauge: The built-in pressure gauge accurately displays the extraction pressure, helping you make the perfect espresso.

  • Hot Water Function: Use for long black coffee, hot drinks such as tea, instant soups and to warm cups prior to making espresso.

Design and Build Quality

Right out of the box, the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine makes a good first impression with its stylish brushed stainless steel exterior. The design is compact yet sturdy, with dimensions of 12.3” x 5.5” x 12” and weighing around 10lbs.

The build quality feels solid thanks to the stainless steel housing, and the machine seems well-assembled with no loose parts. The buttons have a nice tactile click to them and the switches feel sturdy.

The 35oz removable water tank is made of good quality plastic and is easy to fill and clean. The portafilter, steam wand and other parts also seem well-made, and the drip tray is made of stainless steel for durability.
Overall, the machine feels like it is built to last.

 Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine

Ease of Use

Despite its professional styling, the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine is designed to be simple and easy to operate, even for beginners.

The 4 front panel buttons make it straightforward to start and stop brewing one or two shots. The steam knob allows effortless switching between brewing and steaming. The side-mounted hot water knob delivers hot water for Americanos or tea.

I found the setup very quick and intuitive. Within minutes of unboxing, I could start pulling decent shots. The included accessories like tamper and measuring scoop also help get started fast.

The manual provides clear instructions on initial setup, daily usage, maintenance and more. And Gevi’s responsive customer service is there in case any assistance is needed.

Espresso Quality - Thick and Rich

Thanks to 20 bars of pressure and a fast Thermoblock heating system, the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine pulls consistently thick, aromatic espresso shots topped with golden crema. Tamping correctly will help achieve the full bodied flavor this machine is capable of.

 Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine

Brew Types - Espresso Focus

This Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine is designed for brewing high-quality espresso rather than other coffee types. It does not support K-cups or other single serve pods. The 3.5 bar steam wand lets you transform your espresso into creamy cappuccinos and lattes.

This Gevi E418E coffee machine is designed for brewing high-quality espresso rather than other coffee types. It does not support K-cups or other single serve pods. However, it can make a variety of espresso drinks, such as: * Espresso * Americano * Cappuccino * Latte * Macchiato * Flat white

The 3.5 bar steam wand lets you transform your espresso into creamy cappuccinos and lattes.

Impact of Coffee Roasting

Coffee roasting is one of the crucial factors affecting the flavor of coffee. During roasting, the sugars in coffee beans undergo caramelization, producing rich flavors. The degree of roast from light to dark impacts the acidity, bitterness, and aroma of coffee. Light roasts retain more of the original bean flavors, with more pronounced acidity; darker roasts bring out more caramel and bitter flavors. The Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine can fully extract the flavors of coffee beans with different roasting degrees, allowing you to enjoy a professional coffee experience at home.

The Importance of Pressure Gauge

The pressure gauge in a coffee machine is not just a decorative element; it’s an essential tool for assessing whether the pressure during the coffee extraction process is appropriate. The ideal extraction pressure is around 9 bars, which ensures that the oils and aromas of the coffee are fully released. The pressure gauge equipped on the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine helps users monitor the extraction pressure, ensuring the quality of each cup of coffee.

The Importance of Temperature Control in Espresso Quality

Proper temperature control is crucial for extracting the best flavor from the coffee beans. The Gevi E418E’s advanced thermoblock system ensures that the water is at the ideal temperature, which is essential for a balanced and flavorful espresso.

The Science Behind Thermoblock Heating System

The thermoblock heating system is a common heating technology used in modern coffee machines, which rapidly heats the water flow through an electric heating element, ensuring that the water reaches the ideal temperature as it passes through the coffee grounds. This method of heating is not only fast but also allows for precise control of water temperature, which is crucial for making a quality cup of coffee. Compared to traditional boiler heating methods, the thermoblock heating system is more energy-efficient, provides more uniform heating, and helps extract the best flavors from the coffee.

Impact of Water Quality on Coffee Flavor

Water is not just the solvent for coffee; the mineral content in water also affects the final flavor of coffee. Hard water and soft water have different effects on the extraction of coffee. An appropriate amount of minerals can help extract more flavors from coffee, but too many minerals might lead to a bitter taste. Therefore, using filtered or bottled water might be a better choice to ensure your coffee tastes pure and rich.

Milk Frothing - Adjustable Wand

The adjustable panarello wand can texture milk to create velvety foam for your cappuccinos and lattes. While not as powerful as commercial steam wands, it produces decent froth for at-home use. The integrated frothing system means no separate pitcher is needed.

Water Tank - 1.2 Liters

The modest 1.2 liter water tank allows you to pull several shots before needing a refill. The exact number of cups will depend on the amount of coffee you make each time. Just be sure to keep it topped off as the machine cannot run dry. Plan to refill the water daily.

Noise Level - average (around 70db)

With a brewing noise level of around 70db, it’s in the average range for home pump espresso machines. The steam function predictably makes some extra hissing noise.

Safety and Power

Made of BPA-free plastic and stainless steel, the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine meets safety standards. The attached 33 inch power cord safely plugs into any standard 120V outlet. No batteries or capsule waste make it an eco-friendly choice.

Maintenance and Cleaning of the Coffee Machine

Regular maintenance and cleaning of the coffee machine not only prolong its lifespan but also ensure the quality of each cup of coffee. It’s recommended to clean the removable parts after each use and conduct a deep cleaning with a professional cleaning agent monthly. Additionally, descaling the coffee machine periodically (every 1-3 months is recommended) can prevent scale buildup from affecting the taste of the coffee. Following these maintenance steps will keep the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine in optimal condition, continuously providing you with a superior coffee experience.

Use Cases

The Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine is ideal for espresso drinkers who want to recreate their favorite cafe beverages at home. It has the power and features necessary for making espresso-based drinks like lattes, cappuccinos, macchiatos, and more. Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine’s also compact enough to leave out on the counter for daily use.

However, if you prefer using K-cups or other single serve pods, or prefer drip coffee, then this machine may not be the best fit for you.

User Feedback Analysis

To further evaluate the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine’s capabilities and value, it is helpful to analyze feedback from other owners of this machine.

On Amazon, the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine currently has 133 customer reviews averaging 4.2 out of 5 stars. Reading through the reviews reveals plenty of positive feedback as well as some common issues mentioned.

The majority of buyers compliment the machine’s ability to brew rich, flavorful espressos with thick crema that taste comparable to specialty coffee shops. Many mention how easy the machine is to use right out of the box, with great results even for beginners.

Numerous reviewers highlighted the fast heat up time, solid build quality, and power of the steam wand as advantages. Several users reported making hundreds of drinks without any problems thanks to the durability of the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine.

In terms of critical feedback, a number of reviewers faced issues with water leaking, pump failures from running dry, and overheating or loud noises when overpacked. Some felt the espresso lacked depth of flavor compared to higher priced machines.

A few users mentioned the plastic exterior and accessories felt cheap, with concerns about long term reliability. There were also complaints about fine coffee grinds clogging the pressurized portafilter basket.

Overall, most negative reviews seem related to improper usage and maintenance. When treated with care as described in the manual, the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine appears capable of meeting expectations for making cafe-quality espressos and milk drinks at home.

Pros and Cons

Here are the key positives and negatives I found using the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine:


  • Excellent espresso extraction with 20 bar pressure
  • Fast heat up time under 45 seconds
  • Ability to produce café-style espressos
  • Simple and intuitive controls
  • Solidly built with stainless steel housing
  • Powerful steam wand for frothing milk
  • Easy to use and maintain
  • Affordable pricing
  • 1 year warranty


  • Texture is slightly plastic-like
  • Lower steam temperature than prosumer models
  • Pressurized portafilters limit flavor (non-pressurized better)
  • Requires regular maintenance and descaling
  • Long term reliability unknown

Comparison with Other Brand Coffee Machines

When selecting a coffee machine, considering the features and prices of different brands is crucial. For instance, compared to the Gevi E418E, some brands may offer more advanced automation features, while others may attract consumers with a more economical price point. Each brand’s coffee machine has its unique aspects, such as faster heating times, more intuitive user interfaces, or more innovative coffee-making technologies. Understanding these differences can help consumers make more informed choices based on their needs and budget.


With an MSRP of $229 but retail price around $180, the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine offers tremendous value. Few espresso machines under $300 can match its performance, steaming power, ease of use, and reliability.

While it does require some learning and upkeep, it rewards owners with rich aromatic espressos from a compact and affordable machine. For beginners as well as experienced baristas on a budget, the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine delivers capabilities far exceeding its modest cost.

Considering the gourmet espresso drinks the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine can produce for a fraction of the cost of professional models, Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine is one of the best values on the market today. For espresso lovers seeking quality over cost, this machine delivers excellent bang for the buck.


Overall, I am very satisfied with the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine and it has become an integral part of my daily routine. For an under $200 machine, it punches well above its weight in terms of performance, ease of use and reliability.

It may lack some bells and whistles or absolute top notch construction of more expensive models. But for making café-style espressos affordably at home, the Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine gets the job done admirably well. I would highly recommend it to any espresso aficionado on a budget.


  • Pressure: 15 bar
  • Boiler: Stainless steel
  • Water tank capacity: 1.2L
  • Maximum cup height: 4.3”
  • Dimensions: 12.3” x 5.5” x 12”
  • Weight: 10.1 lbs
  • Power: 1350W

What’s Included

The Gevi E418E 20 Bar Espresso coffee Machine ships with the following items:

  • Espresso machine
  • Portafilter
  • Single shot filter basket
  • Double shot filter basket
  • Plastic tamper
  • Measuring scoop
  • Water tank

Gevi E418E Espresso Machine User Manual

Getting Started

  1. Unboxing and Setup: Carefully unbox your Gevi E418E espresso machine and remove all packaging materials. Place the machine on a stable, flat surface near an electrical outlet.
  2. Filling the Water Tank: Remove the water tank from the back of the machine, rinse it thoroughly, and fill it with fresh, filtered water. Reinsert the tank, ensuring it is properly seated.
  3. Priming the Machine: Before first use, prime the machine by running water through the group head and steam wand. This helps remove any air bubbles and ensures optimal performance.
  4. Installing the Filter Basket: Choose the appropriate filter basket (single or double shot) and insert it into the portafilter.

Brewing Espresso

  1. Grinding and Dosing: Grind your favorite coffee beans to a fine consistency, similar to table salt. Dose the ground coffee into the filter basket, using the included scoop.
  2. Tamping: Evenly tamp the coffee grounds with the tamper to create a level surface. This ensures proper water flow and extraction.
  3. Locking the Portafilter: Insert the portafilter into the group head and rotate it to lock it in place.
  4. Brewing: Place your cup under the portafilter spouts and press the 1-cup or 2-cup button to start brewing.
  5. Stopping the Brew: The machine will automatically stop brewing when the desired amount of espresso is reached. You can also manually stop the brew by pressing the button again.

Steaming Milk

  1. Purging the Steam Wand: Before steaming milk, purge the steam wand by briefly opening the steam valve to release any condensed water.
  2. Frothing Milk: Fill a milk pitcher with cold milk and insert the steam wand just below the surface. Open the steam valve and slowly lower the pitcher to create a whirlpool effect.
  3. Texturing Milk: Continue steaming until the milk reaches your desired temperature and texture.
  4. Cleaning the Steam Wand: After steaming, wipe the wand with a damp cloth and purge it again to remove any milk residue.

Cleaning and Maintenance

  1. Daily Cleaning: After each use, empty and rinse the drip tray and water tank. Wipe down the exterior of the machine with a damp cloth.
  2. Weekly Cleaning: Remove and clean the portafilter, filter baskets, and steam wand with warm soapy water.
  3. Descaling: Descale the machine every 1-3 months or as needed, depending on water hardness and usage frequency. Use a descaling solution specifically designed for espresso machines.

Safety Precautions

  • Never operate the machine without water in the tank.
  • Do not overfill the filter basket to avoid high pressure.
  • Be cautious when handling hot parts, such as the steam wand and portafilter.
  • Unplug the machine when not in use and before cleaning.


  • If the machine stops brewing suddenly, check the water tank level.
  • If the espresso is weak or watery, adjust the grind size or tamping pressure.
  • If the steam wand produces weak steam, descale the machine.
  • Refer to the user manual for further troubleshooting tips.