JASSY JS-105 20 Bar Espresso Machine - Affordable Espresso on a Budget

Published on July 17, 2023, 6:28 p.m.

The Origins and Culture of Espresso

Espresso, originating in early 20th-century Italy, is made by forcing hot water under high pressure through finely-ground coffee. This method not only sped up the coffee-making process but also greatly enhanced the aroma and concentration of the coffee. The advent of espresso is closely linked to Italian coffee culture, where it is more than just a beverage; it’s a part of Italian social and daily life. Today, espresso has become one of the most popular types of coffee worldwide.

The uniqueness of Italian espresso lies not only in its rich taste and robust aroma but also in the science behind its preparation. High pressure is crucial for achieving ideal espresso, as it effectively extracts the best flavors and oils from the coffee grounds. This is why machines like the JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine are designed to accommodate pressures as high as 20 bar, ensuring optimal extraction with every brew.

With the growing popularity of espresso-based drinks, having a reliable home espresso machine is many coffee lovers’ dream. The JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine promises café-style coffee at home at an affordable price point of $172.84. But does it deliver a consistent espresso experience? Let’s review and find out.

 JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine


  • Brand: JASSY
  • Model: JS-105
  • Type: Semi-automatic espresso machine
  • Pump Pressure: 20 bar
  • Construction: Stainless steel body
  • Power: 1450W
  • Size: 13.6” x 6.5” x 12.4”
  • Weight: 7.6 lbs

The JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine is a semi-automatic espresso machine made of stainless steel. It features a 20-bar pump pressure and a 1450W powerful motor. It provides both single and double shot extraction modes. The machine also comes equipped with a milk frother and a cup warming tray.


The JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine comes with a solid list of features for an entry-level semi-automatic machine:

  • 20 bar pressure for rich crema extraction
  • Single and double shot modes
  • Pressurized portafilter for using pre-ground coffee
  • 360° swivel steam wand for milk frothing
  • Hot water dispenser for americanos and tea
  • Removable 35oz water tank
  • Stainless steel construction
  • Cup warming tray on top

 JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine

Appearance and Design

The JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine features a compact, sleek stainless steel body with silver finish. It has a modern look with simple push button controls and takes up minimal counter space. The steam wand is located on the side and can swivel 360 degrees for flexibility. However, some customers complain that the steam selector dial feels flimsy and can easily skip over settings.

Build Quality

Made of stainless steel, the machine ensures durability and easy maintenance. Stainless steel is not only resistant to corrosion but also helps keep the machine looking new for a long time, which is a significant feature for a high-quality espresso machine.

Ease of Use:

Overall, the JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine is fairly easy to operate with straightforward push button controls for pulling shots. The buttons allow you to conveniently select between single or double shot extraction. However, consistency issues like uneven shot volumes make dialing in optimal settings tricky. The steam wand takes some practice to master microfoam milk textures. The user interface employs intuitive button controls, making it easy for everyone from beginners to coffee enthusiasts to get started.

 JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine

Espresso Extraction

With its 20 bar pump, the JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine is capable of producing a nice, rich crema layer on top of the espresso. The extraction time is around 25 seconds for a double shot which is common for this brewing method.

The pressurized portafilter makes it easy to brew with pre-ground coffee, eliminating the need for an expensive burr grinder. However, extraction quality is better with freshly ground beans.

The Importance of Pressure in Espresso Extraction

Pressure plays a pivotal role in the extraction of espresso. The 20 bar high pressure ensures that hot water is pushed through the coffee grounds quickly and evenly. This not only maximizes the extraction of oils and aromatics from the coffee but also forms a beautiful, fine golden crema on top. High-pressure extraction makes the espresso richer and more flavorful, providing an unrivaled coffee experience.

Single and Double Shot Modes

This coffee machine offers single and double shot modes, allowing users to choose between extracting one or two shots of espresso as needed. This feature is easily operated by pressing the corresponding button on the panel, providing convenient and flexible use.

Button Controls

The user interface employs intuitive button controls, making it easy for everyone from beginners to coffee enthusiasts to get started. Users can select single or double shot modes with the press of a button, offering convenience and speed.

Fully Automatic Operation Mode

The JASSY JS-105 is a fully automatic coffee machine that provides one-touch operation, greatly enhancing user convenience. Whether extracting espresso or steaming milk, it can be done with the press of a button.

360° Swivel Steam Wand

The JASSY JS-105 features a steam wand that can swivel 360°, making it easy for users to steam milk from different angles and create a creamy foam. Whether making a latte or cappuccino, this feature helps users achieve café-quality milk foam effortlessly.

Removable Water Tank

The 35 oz large-capacity removable water tank reduces the hassle of frequent refills and makes cleaning and maintenance easier. Users can easily remove the tank for refilling and cleaning, ensuring the machine is always in optimal working condition.

Cup Warming Tray

The cup warming tray on top of the machine can preheat cups before making coffee, helping to maintain the coffee’s optimal drinking temperature and enhancing the overall coffee experience.

Stainless Steel Body

The full stainless steel body design not only enhances the machine’s durability but also makes cleaning more convenient. The stainless steel material is corrosion-resistant and easy to wipe, ensuring the coffee machine remains looking new even after long-term use.

 JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine

Milk Frothing

The steam wand froths milk quickly and evenly. It can produce silky microfoam suitable for latte art after some practice. The circular steam knob allows you to finely adjust the steam strength as needed.

 JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine


Cleaning the JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine involves backflushing the group head, descaling the water lines, and wiping down the stainless housing. The drip tray, portafilter, and frothing pitcher can be hand washed. But milk buildup in the steam wand seems to be a common problem.


The JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine produces a high-pitched whine typical of cheaper espresso pumps. Expect noise levels around 80 dB when pulling a shot. The steam wand is also quite loud when frothing milk. This machine is not ideal for early morning coffee before the household is awake.

Usage Scenarios:

The JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine is great for home baristas looking to craft café-style espresso drinks. The single and double shot functions allow you to pull anything from a powerful solo shot to a mellow lungo. Steam the milk with the frothing wand to create a silky microfoam layer for making perfect lattes, cappuccinos, and macchiatos. The cup warming tray helps maintain an ideal serving temperature. Entertain guests with delicious homemade espresso creations.

Origin and Launch

The JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine is made in China and was first launched on Amazon in January 2023.

Customer Feedback Analysis

With an average rating of just 2.3 out of 5 stars on Amazon, the JASSY JS-105 espresso machine has garnered largely negative reviews from customers.

The most common complaint focuses on inconsistent shot volumes between the single and double shot modes. Users report the single shot sometimes pouring more liquid than the double shot, making it impossible to calibrate shot quantities. This erratic shot output ruins any chance of dialing in the proper espresso recipe.

Additionally, numerous customers mention the steam wand failing to produce pure steam for frothing milk. Instead of smooth, velvety microfoam, the wand sputters spurts of scalding hot water into the pitcher. Drinks turn out splashed with pockets of thin, bubbly foam rather than a fine, emulsified texture. Irate users say this renders the wand useless for making cappuccinos or lattes.

Several reviewers document issues of the machine totally malfunctioning after 3-6 months of ownership. Problems range from water leaking profusely from the group head to internal pump failure. Once past its short life span, the machine is unusable and irreparable. Customers are understandably upset about an appliance failing so quickly.

A minority of users praise the straight-forward push button controls and compact size. However, even satisfied customers admit the espresso quality is mediocre at best, nowhere near café grade.

In summary, subpar construction plagued by quality control issues lead to an unreliable user experience. For most reviewers, the JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine ultimately proves a letdown rather than an affordable at-home espresso solution. They caution buyers would be wise to invest in a higher-priced machine from a reputable brand.


  • Stainless steel body with sleek, minimalist look
  • Provides both single and double shot modes
  • Steam wand for making milk-based drinks
  • Affordable price point for home use


  • Quality issues according to customer feedback - inconsistent shot volumes in single vs double shot modes
  • Steam wand occasionally spurts hot water instead of steam
  • Some users reported malfunctioning after 3-6 months of use

Cost Performance:

With a price tag of around $173, the JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine offers average cost performance at best. Given the quality problems reported by reviewers, it may be worth spending extra on a more reputable brand with proven consistency and durability.

 JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine


For its affordable $175 price point, the JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine offers a range of features and decent build quality. However, considering the significant quality issues reported by customers, potential buyers should weigh the cost against the likelihood of encountering these problems.


  • Brand: JASSY
  • Model: JS-105
  • Type: Semi-automatic espresso machine
  • Pump Pressure: 20 bar
  • Construction: Stainless steel body
  • Power: 1450W
  • Size: 13.6” x 6.5” x 12.4”
  • Weight: 7.6 lbs
  • Color: Coffee Powder
  • Human Interface Input: Buttons
  • Special Feature: Removable Tank, Cup Warmer, Milk Frother
  • Operation Mode: Fully Automatic
  • Reservoir Capacity: 35 oz (Removable)

What’s Included

The JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine comes with the following items:

  • Main espresso machine unit
  • Single shot filter basket
  • Double shot filter basket
  • Portafilter
  • Plastic tamper
  • Measuring scoop
  • Stainless steel milk jug
  • Cleaning brush

How to Use JASSY JS-105 Espresso Machine

  1. Fill water tank and turn on machine to heat up
  2. Grind coffee beans and dose portafilter basket
  3. Tamp grounds flat and lock portafilter in
  4. Place cup under and press single or double shot button
  5. Steam milk using steam wand knob and froth milk jug
  6. Pour steamed milk into espresso to make cappuccino or latte