JASSY JS-201 20 Bar Small Espresso Machine - Compact and Convenient Home Brewing

Published on Sept. 4, 2023, 7:49 p.m.

Italian espresso, a jewel in coffee culture, is renowned for its rich aroma, mellow taste, and unique brewing process. In the early 20th century, Italians invented the espresso machine, using high-pressure steam to quickly extract coffee powder, thus creating this intense and layered coffee beverage. Today, Italian espresso has become a favorite among coffee lovers worldwide, whether it’s a cup to refresh in the morning or a leisurely treat in the afternoon, espresso can add a touch of ritual and taste to life.

JASSY JS-201 20 Bar Small Espresso Machine - Compact and Convenient Home Brewing

The JASSY JS-201 is a compact and convenient single-serve espresso maker designed for use with Nespresso Original capsules, Dolce Gusto pods, and ground coffee. With a 20 bar pressure system, versatile capsule compatibility, and one-touch operation, this budget-friendly machine aims to bring café-style brewing into your home. But does it deliver quality espresso without compromise? Read on for a detailed review of the JASSY JS-201 20 Bar Small Espresso Machine’s features, performance, and overall value.

 JASSY JS-201 Small Espresso Machine


The JASSY JS-201 20 Bar Small Espresso Machine features a 20 bar Italian pump, 1500W heating element, and removable 0.85L water tank. Its compact 11.02 x 9.84 x 4.52 inch footprint takes up minimal counter space. The machine can prepare 1 or 2 espresso shots at a time directly into the included glass cups or mugs up to 5 inches tall. It boasts a 1450W heating power, capable of reaching the ideal extraction temperature in a short time.

Key Features

The JASSY JS-201 20 Bar Small Espresso Machine offers a range of features designed to enhance your home brewing experience:

  • 20 Bar Pressure System: Ensures optimal extraction for rich, flavorful espresso.
  • Versatile Compatibility: Accommodates Nespresso Original capsules, Dolce Gusto pods, and ground coffee.
  • One-Touch Operation: Simplifies the brewing process for convenience.
  • Fast Heating: Reaches brewing temperature in just 15 seconds.
  • Compact Design: Ideal for small kitchens or limited counter space.

Design and Appearance

The JASSY JS-201 20 Bar Small Espresso Machine has an understated, no frills design appropriate for any kitchen aesthetic. Its compact footprint and rounded edges give it a minimal, modern look. The black plastic housing feels sturdy, while the stainless steel accents add a touch of sleekness.

The control panel is cleanly laid out with two brew buttons, power switch, and indicator lights. Overall the machine looks and feels well-built for the price. The water tank lid and drip tray are transparent, allowing for easy monitoring of water levels and used capsules.

Ease of Use

Using the JASSY JS-201 20 Bar Small Espresso Machine is simple and straightforward. To brew Nespresso or Dolce Gusto pods:

  1. Fill water tank
  2. Insert pod holder
  3. Place pod and close lever
  4. Press espresso or lungo button
  5. After locking the portafilter in place, press the espresso or lungo button to start brewing.

For ground coffee, replace the capsule holder with the portafilter. Add coffee grounds, tamp, then lock the portafilter into the group head and press brew.

The removable drip tray, capsule container, and water tank make cleanup easy. Used capsules are automatically ejected into the holding bin after brewing.

Brew Quality

Despite its budget-friendly price, the JASSY JS-201 doesn’t compromise on brew quality. It excels at extracting the rich flavors and aromas locked within Nespresso Original capsules, delivering a taste experience that rivals high-end machines. The 20-bar pressure system ensures optimal extraction, resulting in a full-bodied espresso with a thick, velvety crema—a hallmark of quality espresso.

The machine’s versatility shines through its compatibility with Dolce Gusto pods, offering a wider range of flavor options for those who prefer a milder or flavored coffee. For coffee aficionados who enjoy experimenting with different beans, the JASSY JS-201 accommodates ground coffee, allowing you to fine-tune your brew to perfection.

While the JASSY JS-201 consistently delivers impressive results, it’s important to note that the brew temperature might decrease slightly after brewing multiple shots in quick succession. This is a common characteristic of many single-serve espresso machines. However, you can easily mitigate this by preheating the portafilter with a blank shot before brewing. Additionally, using filtered water and regularly descaling the machine will help maintain consistent brewing temperatures and ensure optimal flavor extraction for every cup.

One-Touch Programmable Brewing

The JASSY JS-201 simplifies the brewing process with its one-touch programmable brewing feature. Whether you prefer a single or double shot, simply press the corresponding button, and the machine will automatically dispense the desired amount of espresso. This feature eliminates the need for manual adjustments and ensures consistent brewing results every time.

Versatile Compatibility: Brew Your Way

The JASSY JS-201 isn’t just a one-trick pony; it’s a versatile brewer that caters to your coffee preferences. With its included adapters, you can use a variety of coffee formats:

  • Nespresso Original Capsules: Enjoy the convenience and variety of Nespresso’s Original Line capsules.
  • Dolce Gusto Pods: Explore a world of flavored coffees and specialty drinks with Dolce Gusto pods.
  • Ground Coffee: For the coffee purist, use your favorite ground coffee to create personalized espresso shots.

This versatility means you can switch between different coffee types depending on your mood or occasion, all with the same machine.

Brewing Technology: The Heart of JASSY JS-201

The JASSY JS-201 20 Bar Small Espresso Machine is equipped with a powerful 1500W Thermoblock heating system. This system rapidly heats the water to the optimal brewing temperature of 197°F (92°C) in just 15 seconds. This ensures that every espresso shot is brewed at the ideal temperature for maximum flavor extraction. The machine also boasts a 20-bar high-pressure pump, a professional-grade feature that delivers the necessary force to extract rich, flavorful espresso with a thick, velvety crema.

20 Bar Pressure System: The Gold Standard for Espresso

The JASSY JS-201’s 20 bar pressure system is the heart of its espresso-making prowess. This high pressure is the gold standard in espresso brewing, as it forces hot water through the finely-ground coffee with the ideal amount of force. This results in a rich, concentrated espresso shot with a thick, velvety crema – that beautiful layer of foam that sits atop a well-crafted espresso. The crema not only enhances the visual appeal of your coffee but also contributes to its flavor and aroma.

Fast Heating: No More Waiting

In the fast-paced world we live in, waiting for your coffee to brew can feel like an eternity. The JASSY JS-201 understands this and features a rapid heating system that gets your machine up to temperature in a mere 15 seconds. This means you can go from craving to sipping your espresso in no time, perfect for those busy mornings or whenever you need a quick caffeine fix.

Removable Water Tank: Easy Refills and Cleaning

The JASSY JS-201 features a removable 0.85L water tank, making it easy to refill and clean. This convenient feature eliminates the need to awkwardly pour water into a fixed tank, reducing the risk of spills and messes. The transparent design of the tank also allows you to easily monitor the water level, ensuring you never run out during your brewing session.

Automatic Shut-Off and Cup Warming: Convenience and Efficiency

The JASSY JS-201 is designed with both convenience and energy efficiency in mind. It features an automatic shut-off function that activates after 9 minutes of inactivity. This not only saves energy but also provides peace of mind, especially if you forget to turn off the machine after use.

Additionally, the machine includes a cup warming function, allowing you to preheat your cups before brewing. This helps maintain the optimal temperature of your espresso, ensuring a more flavorful and enjoyable experience.

Adjustable Drip Tray: Accommodating Various Cup Sizes

The JASSY JS-201 features an adjustable drip tray that can be moved up or down to accommodate cups of different heights. This thoughtful design ensures that you can use your favorite espresso cups, mugs, or even travel tumblers without worrying about spills or splashes.


Some users have noted that the pump can be a bit noisy during operation, but this is to be expected with most espresso machines that utilize a pump system. The noise level is comparable to other models in its class and shouldn’t be a major concern unless you’re brewing in a noise-sensitive environment.


The JASSY JS-201 20 Bar Small Espresso Machine contains a 1450W power system to heat the boiler rapidly. It plugs into a standard electrical outlet. There is no battery option. The wattage is adequate for quick heat up times and consistent brewing.

 JASSY JS-201 Small Espresso Machine

Cleaning and Maintenance: Keeping It Fresh

Thankfully, cleaning and maintenance are straightforward on the JASSY JS-201 20 Bar Small Espresso Machine. Used pods are automatically ejected into a holding bin after brewing. The drip tray, pod containers, water reservoir, and portafilter are all removable and dishwasher safe. Rinsing under hot water keeps components clean.It is recommended to descale the machine every 2-3 months to maintain optimal performance.

Use Cases:

The JASSY JS-201 20 Bar Small Espresso Machine is ideal for espresso drinkers who want the convenience of single serve capsule brewing at home. It’s great for small households or solo use. The compact size makes it easy to keep on a kitchen counter for daily brewing or move to different rooms as needed. It’s also convenient for offices, dorm rooms, RVs, or other small spaces.
This espresso machine is also a good choice for users who enjoy Nespresso or Dolce Gusto capsule coffee but also want to try using their own ground coffee beans.

User Feedback Analysis

With a 3.9 out of 5 star rating based on 10 global customer reviews, the JASSY JS-201 20 Bar Small Espresso Machine receives mostly positive feedback, but there are some dissatisfied customers reporting issues.

Examining the reviews, 56% of users gave 5 stars, praising the machine for making “excellent,” “strong” espresso with “very good quality.” First-time owners seem pleasantly surprised by the rich, intense espresso extracted by the 20 bar pressure system. Experienced espresso drinkers validate that the machine “brews just like a pro” model despite the budget price.

22% of customers, however, rated only 1 star. Their chief complaint is the machine leaking water or coffee onto the counter during use. They describe the leaking as happening consistently even when the capsules are inserted properly. A common sentiment is that the product seems poorly constructed or defective.

The remaining reviews rate 4 stars and mention the JASSY JS-201 20 Bar Small Espresso Machine makes a “good cup of coffee” but don’t provide extensive details. It seems the machine performs very well if it doesn’t leak. When functioning normally, it exceeds expectations for affordability and compact size. But flaws in workmanship may compromise the brewing experience.

In conclusion, customers satisfied with their purchase are wowed by the impressive pressure extraction from such an affordable, single-serve device. Yet a concerning fraction of users experience messy leaking indicating inconsistent build quality. Interested buyers should be aware of this potential drawback.

Pros and Cons

- Compact, space-saving design
- Versatile pod and ground coffee compatibility
- Simple one-touch operation
- Fast heat up time
- Produces decent espresso for the price
- Automatic pod ejection

- Brew temperature drops slightly during consecutive extractions
- Small default shot volumes
- Large Nespresso pods may not fit
- Fine grounds can clog portafilter
- Some users report water leakage issues


Priced at around $140, the JASSY offers excellent value for an entry-level home espresso machine. Features like the 20 bar pump, rapid heating, and pod compatibility rival more expensive models. Considereing it can use Nespresso, Dolce Gusto, and your own ground coffee, the machine provides versatility not always found at this price point. For the quality and convenience it delivers, the JASSY is a budget-friendly option worth the investment for personal espresso enjoyment.

 JASSY JS-201 Small Espresso Machine


For its bargain price, the JASSY JS-201 20 Bar Small Espresso Machine punches above its weight in performance and features. The option to use Nespresso, Dolce Gusto, or ground coffee gives you flexibility to find the flavor profile you love. While not perfect, it brews surprisingly good espresso for an entry-level machine. The JASSY is recommended for beginners looking for an affordable, no-fuss introduction to quality home espresso.
However, considering the water leakage problem reported by some users, please consider carefully before purchasing. If you have high requirements for coffee quality, have a sufficient budget, and want to avoid potential quality problems, you may need to consider other more reliable brands.


  • Pump Pressure: 20 bar
  • Power: 1450W
  • Tank Capacity: 20 oz
  • Product Dimensions: 11.02 x 9.84 x 4.52 inches
  • Product Weight: 1.25 lbs
  • Heat Up Time: 15 seconds
  • Compatible Capsules: Nespresso Original, Dolce Gusto, ground coffee
  • Housing Material: Plastic
  • Manufacturer: JASSY
  • Country of Origin: China
  • Warranty: Unknown
  • Item Model Number: JS-201

Box Includes:

  • Espresso machine
  • Portafilter for ground coffee
  • Pod holder and capsules adapters
  • Two espresso cups
  • Scoop/tamp
  • Cleaning pin/brush