Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine : An Affordable and Versatile Espresso Machine for Home Brewing

Published on Sept. 15, 2023, 9:10 p.m.

The Rich History and Cultural Significance of Espresso

Espresso, more than just a coffee brewing method, is deeply rooted in Italian coffee culture and has spread across the globe as a symbol of sophisticated coffee consumption. Originating in Italy in the early 20th century, espresso is both a technical achievement and a cultural icon. The term ‘espresso’ comes from the Italian for ‘expressed’ or ‘pressed out,’ referring to the way espresso is made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee. This method not only extracts rich flavors but also plays a crucial role in social interactions, often serving as a centerpiece in cafés from Rome to New York. Understanding this history not only enriches the experience of using machines like the Ihomekee CM6927, but also connects users to a global tradition of coffee appreciation. Throughout the world, from Europe to the Americas to Asia, each region has its own unique evolution of coffee culture, with espresso acting as a thread linking these cultures together.

The Ihomekee CM6927 Espresso Machine is making waves in the coffee machine market, being lauded as a #1 New Release in Semi-Automatic Espresso Machines. With over 400 units sold in the past month and an impressive average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars, this espresso machine promises to deliver a superior coffee experience. Priced at $89.99 and marketed with a special $10 coupon, it is positioned as an affordable yet high-quality option for coffee aficionados. This article delves into the features, performance, and customer feedback of the CM6927, providing a comprehensive analysis for potential buyers.

 Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine


The Ihomekee CM6927 is a semi-automatic espresso machine designed for home brewing. It boasts a 15-bar pump pressure, a milk frother for crafting cappuccinos and lattes, and a hot water dispenser for Americanos and tea. With single and double cup brewing options and a removable water tank for easy refills, the CM6927 is designed to be both versatile and user-friendly.

Key Features

  • 15 Bar Pressure System: Ensures optimal extraction for rich, flavorful espresso.
  • Milk Frother: Creates creamy microfoam for cappuccinos and lattes.
  • Hot Water Function: Dispenses hot water for Americanos and tea.
  • Single/Double Cup Function: Brews one or two espresso shots with the touch of a button.
  • Removable Water Tank: Easy to refill and clean.

Design and Build Quality

The Ihomekee CM6927 features a compact and modern design with a gray and black finish. The body is primarily constructed from durable ABS plastic, while key components like the portafilter and steam wand are made of stainless steel for longevity and hygiene. The control panel is intuitively designed with clearly labeled buttons and a pressure gauge, making it easy for users to operate and monitor the brewing process.

Ease of Use

While the Ihomekee CM6927 is designed for user-friendliness, there is a learning curve, especially for those new to semi-automatic espresso machines. The control panel is straightforward, with buttons for single or double shots and a steam function. However, users will need to learn how to grind coffee beans to the correct fineness, dose the portafilter, and tamp the grounds properly. The included manual provides instructions, but some trial and error may be needed to achieve optimal results. For experienced users, the machine offers the flexibility to customize their espresso to their liking.

Quality of Output

The Ihomekee CM6927 excels in producing high-quality espresso with a rich crema, a hallmark of a well-extracted shot. The 15-bar pump pressure ensures optimal extraction, resulting in a flavorful and aromatic brew. The machine also features a cup warmer to maintain the ideal serving temperature. Users have praised the machine’s ability to create microfoam with the steam wand, allowing for the creation of various milk-based espresso drinks like lattes and cappuccinos.

The Impact of Grind Size and Tamping on Espresso

To brew a perfect shot of espresso, the correct coffee grind size and tamping pressure are crucial. The grind size determines the size of the coffee particles, which in turn affects the water flow rate and extraction time. Too coarse a grind will result in under-extraction and weak coffee, while too fine a grind will impede water flow and lead to over-extraction and bitter coffee.

Tamping pressure refers to the force applied to compress the coffee grounds into the portafilter. Proper tamping ensures that water flows evenly through the coffee grounds, resulting in a balanced extraction. Insufficient tamping can lead to uneven water flow and under-extraction, while excessive tamping can hinder water flow and cause over-extraction.

The Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine allows users to freely control the grind size and tamping pressure, enabling them to customize the coffee flavor to their liking.

 Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine

15 Bar Pressure System

The Ihomekee CM6927’s 15 bar pressure pump is a standout feature, ensuring optimal extraction of espresso. This high pressure forces water through the finely-ground coffee, extracting the full range of flavors and aromas. The result is a rich, full-bodied espresso with a thick, golden crema – the hallmark of a quality brew. This level of pressure is comparable to commercial espresso machines, making the CM6927 a powerful tool for home baristas.

Temperature Control and Heating Speed

The Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine heats up quickly, reaching a stable brewing temperature in just 2-3 minutes, which is especially important for busy mornings. The cup warming tray on top keeps your cups at the perfect temperature, ensuring that every cup of coffee is enjoyed at the ideal temperature. The built-in temperature control system precisely regulates the water temperature, optimizing the coffee extraction process.

Single/Double Cup Function

The Ihomekee CM6927 offers the convenience of brewing either a single or double shot of espresso with a simple touch of a button. This feature caters to both individual preferences and serving sizes. The machine automatically dispenses the pre-set amount of water for each option, ensuring consistency in your espresso. This is particularly useful for households with varying coffee preferences or when entertaining guests.

Milk Frother

The integrated milk frother is a key feature for those who enjoy milk-based espresso drinks. The steam wand, adjustable by rotating a side button, releases steam to froth milk into a silky microfoam. This microfoam is essential for creating lattes, cappuccinos, and other specialty coffee drinks. While it may take some practice to master the technique, the CM6927’s steam wand is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible even for beginners.

Hot Water Function

Beyond espresso, the Ihomekee CM6927 also features a hot water function. This allows users to quickly dispense hot water for Americanos, tea, or other hot beverages. It can also be used to preheat cups, enhancing the overall coffee experience by maintaining the temperature of your espresso. The hot water function adds versatility to the machine, making it a multi-functional appliance in your kitchen.

Removable Water Tank

The Ihomekee CM6927 is equipped with a 1.5-liter removable water tank, making it easy to refill and clean. The transparent tank allows for easy monitoring of the water level, ensuring you never run out during brewing. The removable design also facilitates thorough cleaning, preventing mineral buildup and ensuring the longevity of the machine.

Cup Warmer

The Ihomekee CM6927 features a cup warmer on top of the machine. This thoughtful addition helps maintain the ideal temperature for your espresso cups, ensuring that your coffee stays hot for longer. Warm cups prevent heat loss, which can significantly affect the flavor and aroma of your espresso. This feature is particularly beneficial for those who enjoy savoring their coffee slowly or who brew multiple cups in succession.

Drip Tray

The removable drip tray is a practical feature of the Ihomekee CM6927. It collects excess water and coffee drips, keeping your countertop clean and tidy. The drip tray is easy to remove and empty, making cleanup a breeze. This simple yet essential feature contributes to the overall user-friendly experience of the machine.

Ease of Cleaning

Maintaining and cleaning the Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine is quick and straightforward, thanks to removable, dishwasher-safe parts. Users appreciate being able to descale the stainless steel boiler and clean all detachable components such as the portafilter, drip tray, and water reservoir. The steam wand is easy to rinse and wipe down after frothing milk. Overall, the machine takes just minutes to clean and keep hygienic for daily use.

Maintenance Tips for Optimal Performance

To keep the Ihomekee CM6927 performing at its best, regular maintenance is crucial. Beyond regular cleaning, it’s important to descale the machine every 3-6 months, depending on water hardness. Descaling removes mineral buildup that can affect the machine’s performance and the taste of your coffee. Additionally, it’s advisable to replace water filters regularly and check for any wear on the silicone seals and gaskets to prevent any potential leaks or drops in pressure.

Noise Level

The Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine produces some noise typical of domestic pump espresso machines, around 70-75 decibels when operating. The 1450 watt motor creates a vibrating hum when brewing and steaming. While audible, users indicate the noise level is comparable to similar models and not disruptive enough to be an issue. The machine itself does not grind beans, keeping grinding noise separate. For most home kitchens, the moderate noise produced by the Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine should not be a problem.

 Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine

User Feedback Analysis

With over 30 global ratings, the Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine enjoys a 4.6 out of 5 star average review score, indicating a very high level of customer satisfaction.

Examining positive reviews, many users raved about the velvety, restaurant-quality microfoam they could achieve with the steam wand. They mentioned the steam power was strong and consistent enough to finely texture milk for perfectly creamy cappuccinos and lattes.

Users also widely praised the rich, full-bodied espresso produced by the 15 bar pump pressure. They noted the fast heat up time meant they could brew cup after cup with no waiting. The aromatic crema and robust flavor from the Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine’s pressure extraction was repeatedly commended as equal to specialty coffee shops.

In terms of convenience, users loved the single and double shot splitter built into the portafilter. They appreciated how the Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine allowed them to customize single or double espressos and dial in the perfect dose. Easy to access buttons and knobs on the front control panel were also highlighted for simplicity of operation.

Regarding critical feedback, a handful of users felt the included instruction manual lacked clarity for first-time owners. Some were unsure how to adjust the grind settings properly to pull balanced shots. A few also reported defective units with faults like leaky pumps or excessively loud operation. However, they complimented Ihomekee’s customer service for promptly replacing the machines.

Overall, the vast majority of buyers said the Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine met or exceeded their expectations for brewing cafe-level espresso drinks at home. Many remarked they loved using it daily and would highly recommend it to others seeking an affordable starter espresso machine.

Pros and Cons

- Powerful 15 bar pump pressure
- Adjustable steam wand for frothing milk
- Convenient single and double shot filters
- Easy to use control panel
- Fast heat up time
- Removable parts for easy cleaning

- Manual grinding and tamping requires practice
- Louder than some higher-end models
- Housing prone to fingerprints
- Instructions could be more detailed


With professional-grade pressure extraction and steaming abilities, the Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine offers outstanding value at around $100. Models with similar performance can cost over $300, making this an affordable option. While manual grinding and tamping takes practice, it allows you to pull authentic cafe-style espresso far below the price of comparative semi-automatic machines. For features and quality at this price point, the Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine is hard to beat.


For an affordable semi-automatic home espresso machine, the Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine delivers solid performance and convenience. While it requires some learning, the 15 bar pressure extracts excellent espresso, and the steam wand microfoams milk for artful cappuccinos. For anyone seeking good espresso without a huge investment, the Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine is an excellent option worth considering.

Final Thoughts

The Ihomekee CM6927 Espresso Machine represents a smart investment for those who cherish quality coffee experiences without breaking the bank. Combining robust features, user-friendly design, and efficient performance, it stands as a testament to Ihomekee’s commitment to bringing the barista experience into your home. Whether you’re a coffee connoisseur or a beginner, the CM6927 offers a compelling blend of quality, convenience, and value, making it a worthy addition to any kitchen.

 Ihomekee CM6927 15 Bar Espresso Coffee Machine


  • Brewing Technology: 15 bar pump pressure
  • Boiler: Stainless steel
  • Filter Basket: Pressurized dual wall with single and double shot
  • Water Tank: 1.5 liter removable
  • Drip Tray: Removable
  • Frothing Wand: Adjustable steam wand
  • Cup Warming Tray: On top
  • Body Material: Plastic and stainless steel
  • Dimensions: 12.99 x 6.1 x 13.1 inches
  • Weight: 7.74 lbs
  • Colors: Gray/Black
  • Safety Features: Overheat protection, low water protection
  • Certifications: ETL approved, BPA free
  • Warranty: 2 years
  • Origins: Designed in USA, assembled in China
  • Customer Support: Based in US with 24/7 assistance

What’s Included

The Ihomekee CM6927 espresso machine comes with:
- Main espresso machine unit
- Single and double wall portafilter
- Milk frothing wand
- Removable 1.5L water tank
- Measuring scoop
- Cleaning brushes
- User manual

Ihomekee CM6927 Espresso Machine User Manual

Important Safety Instructions

  1. Check Voltage: Before use, ensure the outlet voltage matches the machine’s rating (110V).
  2. Grounded Outlet: This machine has earthing protection; use a grounded outlet.
  3. Children’s Safety: Keep children away from the machine during operation.
  4. Electrical Safety:
    • Do not immerse the cord, plug, or machine in water.
    • Do not damage, bend excessively, or stretch the power cord.
    • Do not place heavy objects on the cord.
  5. Unplug When Not in Use: Unplug the machine when cleaning or not in use.
  6. Avoid Extreme Environments: Do not use in high temperatures, humidity, or near strong magnetic fields. Keep away from heat sources and other appliances.
  7. Damaged Parts: Do not use if the cord, plug, or machine is damaged. Contact customer service for assistance.
  8. Original Accessories: Use only original Ihomekee accessories.
  9. Coffee Only: This machine is for brewing coffee only.
  10. Stable Surface: Place on a flat surface. Do not hang the cord over edges.
  11. Cord Safety: Keep the cord away from hot surfaces.
  12. Hot Surfaces: Avoid touching hot parts during operation.
  13. Regular Cleaning: Clean and maintain the machine regularly for optimal performance and longevity.
  14. Do Not Interrupt: Do not move or turn off the machine while it’s operating.
  15. Water Level: Do not operate without water in the tank.
  16. Read Instructions: Follow this manual for safe and correct operation.
  17. Do Not Wash: Do not wash the machine or cord in water.
  18. Indoor Use Only: Do not use outdoors.
  19. First Use: Run two cycles with water only to clean the system before first use.
  20. Household Use Only: This machine is intended for household use.
  21. Save Manual: Keep this manual for future reference.

Before First Use

  1. Remove Packaging: Unpack the machine and accessories.
  2. Clean Components: Wash the removable parts (portafilter, filter baskets, drip tray) with warm soapy water. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
  3. Fill Water Tank: Remove the water tank, fill it with fresh water up to the MAX line, and reattach it.
  4. Prime the System:
    • Plug in the machine. The buttons will flash.
    • Press and hold the ONE CUP and TWO CUP buttons simultaneously until the lights flash.
    • Place a cup under the steam wand.
    • Turn the steam knob to the ON position. The machine will start pumping water.
    • Once water flows from the steam wand, turn the steam knob to the OFF position. Your machine is now primed and ready for use.

Brewing Espresso

  1. Fill Portafilter: Choose the single or double filter basket and fill it with the desired amount of finely ground espresso coffee. Tamp the grounds evenly.
  2. Insert Portafilter: Align the portafilter handle with the “INSERT” position and lock it into the brew head by turning it to the right.
  3. Place Cup: Position your cup under the portafilter spouts.
  4. Brew: Press the ONE CUP or TWO CUP button, depending on your desired serving size. The machine will automatically stop when the preset volume is reached.

Steaming Milk

  1. Fill Pitcher: Fill a milk pitcher with cold milk.
  2. Activate Steam: Press the STEAM button. The light will flash while the machine heats up.
  3. Position Wand: Once the light is solid, immerse the steam wand tip just below the milk’s surface.
  4. Steam: Slowly turn the steam knob to the ON position.
  5. Froth: Gently move the pitcher to create a swirling motion until the milk reaches your desired temperature and frothiness.
  6. Stop: Turn the steam knob to the OFF position and press the STEAM button to deactivate.

Hot Water Function

  1. Preheat: Follow the steps for preheating water for brewing.
  2. Dispense: Place a cup under the steam wand and slowly turn the steam knob to the ON position. Hot water will dispense.
  3. Stop: Turn the steam knob to the OFF position.

Cleaning and Maintenance

  1. Daily Cleaning:
    • Empty and rinse the drip tray and water tank.
    • Wipe the exterior with a damp cloth.
    • Remove the portafilter, discard the used coffee grounds, and rinse the filter basket.
  2. Descaling: Descale the machine every 3-6 months, or more frequently if you have hard water. Follow the instructions on your descaling solution.
  3. Deep Cleaning: Periodically disassemble and clean the brew head, steam wand, and other removable parts according to the instructions in this manual.


Refer to the troubleshooting section in this manual for solutions to common issues. If the problem persists, contact Ihomekee customer service.

Customer Support

For questions or assistance, please contact Ihomekee customer support:

We are here to help you get the most out of your Ihomekee CM6927 Espresso Machine. Enjoy your coffee journey!

Recipe Ideas


  1. Grind coffee beans to a fine powder.
  2. Fill the portafilter with ground coffee and tamp it down with a tamper.
  3. Attach the portafilter to the espresso machine.
  4. Place an espresso cup under the coffee spout.
  5. Start the espresso machine and extract for about 25-30 seconds, until you have about 30 ml of espresso.


  1. Make an espresso as described above.
  2. Add 150-200 ml of hot water to the espresso.


  1. Make an espresso as described above.
  2. Add 150-200 ml of steamed milk to the espresso.
  3. Optional: Create latte art on top of the milk.


  1. Make an espresso as described above.
  2. Add 100 ml of steamed milk to the espresso.
  3. Add 50 ml of milk foam on top of the milk.
  4. Optional: Sprinkle cinnamon or cocoa powder on top of the milk foam.