Mcilpoog ES317 Espresso Coffee Machine: A Top-Notch Fully Automatic Espresso Machine for Coffee Lovers

Published on Oct. 13, 2023, 7:27 p.m.

Espresso, the essence of Italian coffee culture, has captured the hearts of countless coffee lovers worldwide with its rich aroma, full-bodied taste, and signature crema layer. Born in Italy in the early 20th century, espresso is made by forcing hot water under high pressure through finely ground coffee beans. This unique brewing method gives espresso its distinct flavor and charm.

However, traditional espresso making requires a certain level of skill and experience. With the advancement of technology, fully automatic espresso machines have emerged, making it possible for coffee enthusiasts to easily enjoy high-quality espresso at home. The Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso Machine is a prime example of this innovation.

For coffee aficionados who want the authentic espresso experience at home, the Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso Coffee Machine is an excellent choice. Packed with commercial-grade features and slim, compact design, this automatic coffee maker aims to please. Let’s take a closer look at what makes the Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso coffee Machine a top contender for homebrewing baristas.

As a rising star in the home coffee machine market, the Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso Machine has quickly established a good reputation among coffee enthusiasts with its unique design and advanced technology. This model not only possesses commercial-grade features such as a built-in grinder and high-pressure pump but also has thoughtfully designed user experiences, aiming to provide a professional-level coffee-making experience for home users.

 Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso coffee Machine


The Mcilpoog ES317 espresso machine features a built-in conical burr grinder, 19-bar pump pressure, and an intuitive touchscreen display to deliver café-quality coffee with ease. Its milk frothing system lets you recreate creamy cappuccinos and lattes, while the aromatic brewing system extracts maximum flavor from the grounds.

With a 1.5L water tank capacity and drip tray for mess-free brewing, the Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso coffee Machine is designed for easy daily use. Its plastic housing and compact 15.9” x 7.8” x 12.1” dimensions give it a lightweight and space-saving footprint. Available in a sleek milk coffee color, it will complement any countertop.
The machine is powered by a 1450-watt motor and uses standard 120V electricity, plugging directly into a wall outlet.

Key Features at a Glance

  • 7 Preset Coffee Options: One-touch brewing for espresso, Americano, cappuccino, latte, macchiato, flat white, and lungo.
  • Customizable Settings: Tailor coffee strength, volume, and temperature to your preference.
  • Built-in Grinder: Freshly grinds beans for optimal flavor.
  • 19-Bar Pump Pressure: Ensures professional-grade extraction.
  • Manual Steam Wand: Craft cafe-quality milk foam and latte art.
  • Automatic Cleaning Cycle: Hassle-free maintenance.

The Culture and History of Espresso

Espresso, originating in early 20th century Italy, is made by forcing hot water under high pressure through finely-ground coffee beans. It is not only the core of Italian coffee culture but also has a significant impact on global coffee-drinking habits. Espresso is revered by coffee enthusiasts for its unique preparation method and rich flavor, representing the ultimate pursuit in coffee culture. With the global spread of coffee culture, espresso has gradually become a standard offering in cafes around the world, and its preparation techniques and consumption styles have evolved over time.

Design and Build Quality

The Mcilpoog ES317 features a sleek and modern aesthetic with a minimalist touch. Its compact dimensions (15.9”D x 7.8”W x 12.1”H) make it a perfect fit for kitchens with limited counter space. The machine is primarily constructed with durable plastic, ensuring longevity while keeping the overall weight manageable at 28.7 pounds.

The milk coffee finish adds a touch of elegance, seamlessly blending with various kitchen decors. The 3.5-inch TFT color touchscreen interface is not just visually appealing but also highly intuitive. It provides clear access to all functions, making it easy for users to navigate through settings and customize their coffee preferences.

The side placement of the water tank and bean hopper enhances usability, allowing for convenient refilling and cleaning. The adjustable spout height (100-140mm) accommodates various cup sizes, minimizing the risk of spills and ensuring a perfect pour every time.

Ease of Use:

With preset one-touch beverage options and adjustable settings for strength, size, and temperature, the Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso coffee Machine makes brewing espresso drinks simple. The machine automatically tamps, doses, and extracts the shots for consistent results. Switching between coffee varieties is as easy as tapping the display.

While the Mcilpoog ES317 is referred to as a fully automatic espresso machine, its “manual” feature refers to the manual steam wand, which allows you to control the frothing of milk and create different styles of milk foam.

Brewing Excellence

At the heart of the Mcilpoog ES317’s coffee quality lies its 19-bar pressure system. This high pressure is essential for extracting the full range of flavors and aromas from your coffee beans, resulting in a rich, full-bodied espresso with a luscious crema layer.

The machine’s built-in conical burr grinder ensures that your beans are ground to the perfect consistency just before brewing, maximizing freshness and flavor. The real-time temperature monitoring system maintains the optimal brewing temperature throughout the process, ensuring consistent results with every cup.

Whether you prefer a single or double shot, the Mcilpoog ES317 delivers a cafe-quality espresso experience at home. The adjustable settings allow you to fine-tune the strength and volume of your coffee, while the manual steam wand empowers you to create perfectly textured milk for your favorite milk-based beverages.

7 Preset Coffee Options

The Mcilpoog ES317 caters to a wide range of coffee preferences with its seven preset coffee options. Whether you crave a classic espresso, a creamy cappuccino, or a smooth latte, this machine has you covered. With just a single touch, you can enjoy your favorite coffee beverage without any hassle. This feature is especially beneficial for beginners who are not yet familiar with the nuances of espresso brewing.

Customizable Settings

For those who like to have complete control over their coffee, the Mcilpoog ES317 offers customizable settings for coffee strength, volume, and temperature. You can adjust these parameters to suit your individual taste, ensuring that every cup is brewed to perfection. This level of customization is a significant advantage for coffee connoisseurs who appreciate the ability to fine-tune their brew.

 Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso coffee Machine

The Science Behind Espresso Machines

At the heart of the Mcilpoog ES317 is its high-pressure extraction system. The built-in 19-bar high-pressure pump injects water into the coffee puck with immense force, forcing the hot water to quickly pass through the coffee grounds, extracting the essence of the coffee beans. This process not only preserves the aroma and flavor of the coffee to the greatest extent but also creates a dense and delicate crema layer, a hallmark of espresso. In addition, the ES317 is equipped with a built-in grinder, ensuring that the coffee beans are ground just before extraction for optimal freshness.

 Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso coffee Machine


According to customer reviews, the Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso coffee Machine performs solidly when it comes to brewing tasty espresso-based drinks. Users mention the espresso comes out smooth and full-bodied with a nice crema layer. The milk frothing wand makes whipped up milk easy for flawless foam and microfoam texture. Programming the brew settings is straightforward with the intuitive touchscreen.

One downside noted is the plastic exterior housing feels a bit lightweight and prone to splashes/messes. The grinder is also quite loud when in use. Overall though, most reviews indicate the Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso coffee Machine makes brewing espresso at home a breeze.

Users also praised the ES317’s real-time temperature monitoring system, stating that it ensures every cup of coffee is at the ideal temperature, enhancing the coffee’s taste.

The Significance of 19-Bar Pressure

The Mcilpoog ES317’s 19-bar pump pressure is a standout feature that significantly impacts the quality of your espresso. This level of pressure ensures optimal extraction, forcing water through the coffee grounds with enough force to release the full spectrum of flavors and aromas.

Compared to machines with lower pressure (e.g., 9 bars), the 19-bar pressure of the ES317 results in a richer, more concentrated espresso with a thicker, more flavorful crema. The higher pressure also leads to a faster extraction time, typically between 20-30 seconds, which helps prevent over-extraction and bitterness.

In essence, the 19-bar pressure system of the Mcilpoog ES317 is a key component in delivering a cafe-quality espresso experience at home. It ensures that every shot is extracted to perfection, with a balanced flavor profile and a beautiful crema that coffee aficionados crave.

Aromatic Brewing System

The Mcilpoog ES317’s brewing system is designed to extract the maximum flavor from your coffee grounds. It combines precise temperature control with optimal water pressure to ensure that every cup is brewed to perfection. The result is a rich, aromatic coffee that is sure to please even the most discerning palate.

Real-Time Temperature Monitoring

To ensure consistent brewing results, the Mcilpoog ES317 features a real-time temperature monitoring system. This system constantly monitors the water temperature throughout the brewing process, ensuring that it stays within the ideal range for optimal extraction. This feature eliminates the guesswork involved in brewing espresso, guaranteeing a delicious cup every time.

Adjustable Spout Height

The adjustable spout height of the Mcilpoog ES317 is a thoughtful design element that accommodates various cup sizes. Whether you’re using a small espresso cup or a larger latte mug, you can easily adjust the spout height to prevent spills and ensure a perfect pour. This feature adds to the machine’s overall convenience and user-friendliness.

Efficient Dual Pump System

The Mcilpoog ES317 is equipped with an efficient dual pump system that allows for simultaneous coffee extraction and milk frothing. This means you can prepare your espresso and froth your milk at the same time, saving you valuable time in the morning rush. The dual pump system also ensures consistent performance, delivering optimal results with every use.

Built-in Grinder

One of the standout features of the Mcilpoog ES317 is its built-in conical burr grinder. This grinder ensures that your coffee beans are freshly ground right before brewing, maximizing the flavor and aroma of your coffee. Unlike pre-ground coffee, which can quickly lose its freshness, freshly ground beans offer a more vibrant and nuanced taste experience. The grinder also allows you to adjust the grind size, giving you even more control over the brewing process.

 Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso coffee Machine

Mastering Milk Frothing with the Manual Steam Wand

The Mcilpoog ES317’s manual steam wand is a versatile tool that empowers you to create a variety of milk-based espresso beverages. While it requires some practice to master, the rewards are well worth the effort. With the manual steam wand, you have complete control over the frothing process, allowing you to achieve the perfect texture and temperature for your milk.

To create microfoam, the dense, velvety milk ideal for latte art, start by positioning the steam wand just below the surface of the milk. As the milk begins to swirl, gradually lower the pitcher to introduce more air and create a creamy texture. For a cappuccino, you’ll want to create a thicker, more aerated foam by holding the steam wand closer to the surface.

The Mcilpoog ES317’s steam wand delivers consistent steam power, making it easier to achieve your desired milk texture. With a little practice and experimentation, you’ll be able to craft cafe-quality lattes, cappuccinos, and other milk-based drinks in the comfort of your own home.

Automatic Cleaning Cycle

Maintaining the Mcilpoog ES317 is a breeze thanks to its automatic cleaning cycle. This feature simplifies the descaling process, which is essential for removing mineral buildup that can affect the machine’s performance and the taste of your coffee. The automatic cleaning cycle ensures that your machine stays in top condition, delivering consistent results with every use.

Noise Level

Like most espresso machines with built-in grinders, the Mcilpoog ES317 does produce some noise during operation. The grinder, in particular, can be quite loud, especially when grinding fresh beans. However, the brewing process itself is relatively quiet, and the noise level is comparable to other machines in its class.

If noise is a major concern, you may want to consider grinding your beans in advance or using pre-ground coffee. However, for most users, the convenience and freshness of the built-in grinder outweigh the temporary noise it produces.


The Mcilpoog ES317 espresso machine is powered by a 1450 watt system and standard 120V electricity. This provides sufficient power to drive the commercial-grade pressure pump, heat the boiler, and operate the built-in bean grinder. An electrical cord connects the machine directly to a wall outlet.

The Mcilpoog ES317 has a relatively high energy consumption, with a power consumption of up to 1450 watts when making coffee.

Use Cases:

Perfect for espresso fans and specialty coffee lovers, the Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso coffee Machine shines in family kitchens, home offices, dorm rooms, and other personal brewing spaces. Its relatively compact footprint doesn’t take up excessive counter space but still pumps out drinks like a full-sized cafe machine. For those who prioritize quality, customization, and convenience in their daily coffee routine, the Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso coffee Machine hits all the marks.

Additionally, the ES317’s built-in grinder has adjustable grind settings, allowing you to choose the right grind size based on your preferences and the type of coffee beans you are using, further customizing your coffee flavor.


  • Commercial-grade pressure and aromatic brewing system
  • Built-in grinder for fresh grounds
  • Froths and steams milk flawlessly
  • Intuitive touchscreen operation
  • Easy to clean and maintain


  • Grinder is loud
  • Plastic exterior prone to splashes
  • No automatic milk frothing function: May not be convenient for users who prefer one-touch operation.


With a $599.99 retail price tag, the Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso coffee Machine hits the sweet spot for automatic espresso machines with built-in grinders. Given its commercial-level pressure pump, aromatic brewing system, and specialty drink menu, it delivers solid value for money. For espresso lovers who want quality, convenience, and customizability, the Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso coffee Machine is a smart investment.

In conclusion, the Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso Machine brings excellent performance and features to homebrewing. Its intuitive controls, adjustable settings, and consistent results make it a joy to use for espresso aficionados. If you’re looking to elevate your home coffee game, the Mcilpoog ES317 Fully Automatic Espresso coffee Machine deserves a spot on your shortlist.


  • Brewer Type: Automatic espresso machine
  • Coffee Grounds Required: Whole bean or ground
  • Grinder: Built-in steel conical burr grinder
  • Pressure: 19 bars
  • Frothing Wand: Manual steam wand
  • Water Tank Capacity: 800 milliliters
  • Housing Material: Plastic
  • Product Dimensions: 15.9 x 7.8 x 12.1 inches
  • Product Weight: 28.7 pounds
  • Power: 1450 watts
  • Color: Milk coffee
  • Number of Drink Options: 7 varieties

Box Includes:

  • Mcilpoog ES317 espresso machine
  • Detachable water tank
  • Milk frothing pitcher
  • Measuring/tamping spoon
  • Cleaning brush
  • User manual