Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker : A Programmable Coffee Maker That Brews a Perfect Cup

Published on Oct. 14, 2023, 8:25 a.m.

Coffee Culture and History

Coffee is a beverage rich in culture and history. It is believed to have originated in Ethiopia, Africa, and was later introduced to the Middle East by Arab traders. In the early seventeenth century, coffee began to spread to Europe and quickly became a popular drink in various regions. Coffeehouses also became places for people to gather, exchange ideas, and debate, fueling the rise of many cultural and political movements.

Today, coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, with billions of cups consumed daily. Different regions have their own coffee cultures, from Italian espresso to Turkish foamy coffee, each reflecting the lifestyle and values of the local people.

The culture and history of coffee are not only reflected in its consumption but also in various fields such as art, literature, and music. Many writers, artists, and musicians have been inspired by coffee, creating many classic works.

Understanding the culture and history of coffee not only increases our knowledge of this beverage but also allows us to appreciate the exchange and integration between different cultures.

For coffee lovers looking for a programmable drip coffee maker that can brew a customizable, great tasting cup of coffee, the Krups Pro Aroma R453-42 is an excellent choice. With its charcoal water filtration, aroma control system, programmable timer and other convenient features, this coffee maker delivers on taste, convenience and versatility.


The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker is a 12-cup programmable coffee maker designed for coffee lovers who crave a customizable and flavorful brewing experience. With its sleek black design and user-friendly interface, this coffee maker seamlessly blends into any kitchen while offering a range of features to elevate your daily coffee ritual. It boasts a 3-cycle ProAroma system that lets you choose the optimal coffee flavor, a unique NaturActiv charcoal filtration system that reduces chlorine taste and bitterness, and a 24-hour programmable clock/timer for wake-up coffee. Additionally, it features an LCD readout for decalcification and a carafe pre-warming function.

Key Features

The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker offers a variety of features for a personalized coffee experience:

  • Programmable Brewing: Set brewing time for fresh coffee whenever you want it.
  • Adjustable Aroma Strength: Customize coffee strength to your liking.
  • NaturActiv Charcoal Filtration: Reduces chlorine and bitterness for improved taste.
  • Carafe Pre-Warming: Maintains coffee temperature and flavor.
  • LCD Display and Controls: Easy operation and brewing customization.


The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker features a sleek and practical design that seamlessly blends into any kitchen decor. Its black exterior exudes a modern elegance, while the compact size ensures it won’t take up too much counter space. The coffee maker’s intuitive control panel, featuring an easy-to-read LCD screen and clearly labeled buttons, simplifies the brewing process. The water reservoir is conveniently located at the back of the machine and is easily accessible for refilling. The 12-cup glass carafe is designed with a comfortable handle and drip-free spout for easy pouring. Additionally, the warming plate keeps your coffee at the perfect temperature for hours after brewing.

Ease of Use

The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker is designed with user-friendliness in mind. Adding water and ground coffee is a breeze, and the intuitive controls allow for easy selection of settings such as aroma strength and brewing time. The programmable timer feature lets you wake up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Additionally, the removable filter basket and dishwasher-safe carafe make cleanup a hassle-free task.

Coffee Flavor

Users consistently praise the exceptional flavor profile produced by the Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker. The combination of its advanced brewing technology and natural charcoal filtration system ensures a smooth, rich, and aromatic cup of coffee with every brew. The adjustable aroma settings allow users to customize the strength of their coffee to suit their preferences, whether they prefer a subtle, medium, or robust flavor profile.

Brewing Principles

Understanding the principles behind coffee brewing can enhance your appreciation for the charm of every cup of coffee. The brewing process involves several key factors:

  • Water Temperature: The appropriate water temperature can extract the essence of coffee, typically ranging from 195°F (90°C) to 205°F (96°C).
  • Brewing Time: Brewing time affects the strength and flavor of coffee, generally ranging from 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Grind Size: Different coffee brewing methods require different grind sizes, with fine grind suitable for immersion brewing and coarse grind suitable for drip brewing.
  • Ratio: The correct ratio of coffee grounds to water is also crucial, typically ranging from 1:15 to 1:18.

Understanding these principles can help you adjust the parameters of coffee brewing to create the perfect taste and flavor profile.

LCD Display and Controls

The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker features a user-friendly interface with an LCD display and intuitive controls. The LCD screen provides clear information about the brewing process, including the selected aroma strength, brewing time, and programmable timer settings. The controls are easy to navigate, allowing you to effortlessly adjust settings and customize your coffee experience.

Programmable Brewing

One standout feature of the Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker is its programmable brewing function. This feature allows you to set your desired brewing time up to 24 hours in advance. Imagine waking up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee or having a pot ready and waiting for you when you return home from work. The programmable timer eliminates the need to wait for your coffee to brew, providing convenience and flexibility for your daily routine. With this feature, you can enjoy a perfectly timed cup of coffee whenever you want.

Carafe Pre-Warming

The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker includes a carafe pre-warming feature to enhance your coffee experience. Before brewing begins, the coffee maker gently warms the carafe, ensuring that your coffee is brewed and served at the optimal temperature. This helps to preserve the coffee’s flavor and aroma, allowing you to savor every sip.

Temperature Control

The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker understands that the ideal coffee temperature is a matter of personal preference. That’s why it offers an adjustable temperature control feature, allowing you to fine-tune the heat of your brewed coffee. With six different temperature increments to choose from, you can ensure your coffee is always served at the perfect warmth for your enjoyment. Whether you prefer it piping hot or slightly cooler, this feature puts you in control of your coffee’s temperature.

Adjustable Aroma Strength

The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker caters to individual taste preferences with its adjustable aroma strength feature. You can choose from three distinct settings – mild, medium, and strong – to tailor the flavor profile of your coffee. Whether you prefer a subtle and mellow brew or a bold and invigorating cup, this feature allows you to customize your coffee experience to perfection.

NaturActiv Charcoal Filtration

The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker incorporates a unique NaturActiv charcoal filtration system. This advanced filtration technology effectively removes up to 82% of chlorine and other impurities from your water, resulting in a smoother, more flavorful cup of coffee. By eliminating unwanted tastes and odors, the NaturActiv filter ensures that the true essence of your coffee beans shines through.

AromaSavor™ System Lid

The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker’s AromaSavor™ system lid is a unique feature designed to preserve the freshness and flavor of your coffee. When the brewing cycle is complete, the last drop to leave the filter seals the opening within the lid of the carafe. When pouring, the stream of coffee forms a seal on the carafe lid so the remaining coffee is in an airtight container. This reduces evaporation and heat loss, and protects the aroma and freshness of the coffee.

Stop ‘n Serve Feature

The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker’s “Stop ‘n Serve” feature answers the impatient coffee drinker’s clamor for “a quick cup of coffee!” This device automatically stops the flow of brewed coffee through the filter cone if the carafe is removed from the warming plate during the brewing cycle. You have about 20 seconds between the removal of the carafe and its being reinserted to allow the serving of one or two cups of coffee.

The “Stop ‘n Serve” device closes off the filter cone so effectively that there is virtually no coffee-drip onto the warming plate (one drop, at most!). Once the carafe is replaced, the brewing cycle and the flow of the coffee into the carafe are resumed.

Automatic Filter Seal

The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker’s automatic filter seal feature allows you to remove the carafe for 20 seconds without coffee dripping onto the warming plate. This feature is very convenient, especially when you want to pour a cup of coffee before the brewing process is complete.

KRUPS Specially Designed Heating and Tubing System

The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker features a KRUPS specially designed heating and tubing system that minimizes calcification and leaves no residual water in the system when brewing is finished. This ensures optimal coffee flavor with every brew and extends the life of the coffee maker by reducing the need for frequent descaling.

Water Reservoir

The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker features a hinged water reservoir lid that not only prevents dust and debris from entering but also ensures you won’t misplace it. The reservoir itself is designed with a magnified water level indicator, allowing for easy and precise filling. This thoughtful design element ensures you add the correct amount of water for your desired number of cups, preventing overflows or underfilling.

Keep Warm Function

The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker is equipped with a warming plate that keeps your coffee warm for hours after brewing. In addition, it features a “carafe pre-warming” function that preheats the carafe before brewing, ensuring that your coffee is brewed and served at the optimal temperature.

Besides the warming plate, the Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker also has a programmable auto-off function, allowing you to choose to turn off the coffee maker within 1 to 5 hours after brewing.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Cleaning and maintaining the Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker is simple. Here are some easy steps to ensure your coffee maker stays in optimal condition:

  1. Daily Cleaning: Wash the glass carafe and filter basket with mild soapy water daily to ensure each brew maintains a fresh taste.
  2. Regular Descaling: Use a solution of white vinegar and water monthly to descale and remove limescale and deposits, ensuring optimal brewing performance.
  3. Filter Replacement: Replace the filter regularly to ensure effective water filtration and maintain the purity of your coffee’s taste.

The user manual provides detailed operating instructions and troubleshooting steps for reference as needed.

Krups: A Legacy of Coffee Excellence

Founded in 1846 in Solingen, Germany, Krups has a long and illustrious history of crafting exceptional kitchen appliances, with a particular focus on coffee makers. Over the decades, Krups has established itself as a leading brand in the coffee industry, renowned for its commitment to innovation, quality, and design. The company’s dedication to producing high-performance coffee makers that deliver a superior brewing experience has earned it a loyal following among coffee enthusiasts worldwide.

Versatile Use Cases

The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker is a versatile appliance that caters to a wide range of coffee lovers. It is perfect for:

  • Home Use: Whether you’re a casual coffee drinker or a passionate enthusiast, this coffee maker is an ideal addition to your kitchen, providing you with a convenient and customizable brewing experience.
  • Office Settings: Elevate your workplace coffee experience with the Krups R453-42. Its programmable features and large capacity make it perfect for brewing coffee for a small team.
  • Social Gatherings: Impress your guests with a perfectly brewed pot of coffee at your next dinner party or social gathering.

With its sleek design and user-friendly features, the Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker seamlessly integrates into any environment, making it a valuable asset for coffee lovers in various settings.

Analyzing Customer Reviews

Overall, customer reviews indicate a high level of satisfaction with the Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker. The vast majority of buyers are pleased with their purchase and say it brews a smooth, flavorful cup of coffee.

In terms of positive feedback, many owners describe the coffee as “heavenly,” “robust,” and “hot and tasty.” They love the programmable timer that allows them to wake up to the inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee. The charcoal filtration earns consistent praise for removing impurities and chlorine flavors that can negatively impact taste. Those who care about customization also appreciate the Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker settings that let you tailor the boldness of the brew.

When it comes to critical feedback, the primary complaint is occasional water leaking during the brew cycle. However, many reviewers point out that this issue is easily fixed by properly securing the water tube inside the reservoir. Once this tube is properly aligned, the leaking stops according to owners. Beyond potential setup issues, some buyers wished for a built-in grinder for freshly ground beans. Others hoped for a more long-lasting gold tone filter compared to the included paper cone filter. However, these lacking features do not seem to largely impact overall satisfaction.

In conclusion, the vast majority of Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker owners are delighted with their purchase. They find it brews pure, robust coffee that rivals more expensive programmable makers. The aroma control, charcoal filtration and programmable timer are loved for adding convenience and customization. While a small number experience fixable leaking, most agree this coffee maker delivers tremendous value. So for shoppers wanting great-tasting customizable coffee, the Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker satisfies on all fronts.

Pros and Cons

- Allows aroma customization for preferred strength
- Charcoal filter removes impurities
- Programmable timer sets brew schedule
- Carafe warming plate keeps coffee hot
- Dishwasher-safe parts for easy cleanup

- Some owners reported water leaking issues
- Lack of built-in grinder
- No permanent coffee filter included

Exceptional Value

The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker offers exceptional value, considering its features, performance, and price point. It competes favorably with other models in the $100-150 USD range, often surpassing them in terms of functionality and quality. Its programmable brewing, aroma control, and charcoal filtration system rival those found in more expensive coffee makers, making it an excellent investment for budget-conscious coffee lovers who refuse to compromise on taste or convenience.


The Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker is a testament to Krups’ legacy of coffee excellence. Its innovative features, user-friendly design, and exceptional brewing capabilities make it a standout choice for coffee lovers seeking a perfect cup of coffee every time. Whether you’re a seasoned coffee connoisseur or a casual drinker, this coffee maker is sure to elevate your coffee experience. With its combination of performance, convenience, and value, the Krups R453-42 Pro Aroma Coffee Maker is a worthy investment for anyone who appreciates a truly great cup of coffee.


  • Brewer Capacity: 12 cups
  • Housing Material: Plastic
  • Exterior Finish: Black
  • Carafe Material: Glass
  • Display Type: LCD
  • Settings: Aroma strength, Clock/Timer, Cleaning alert, Auto-off
  • Filter Type: Cone filter
  • Dimensions: 16.5 x 11.9 x 10 inches
  • Weight: 3 lbs
  • Power: unknown wattage
  • Warranty: unknown

Box Contents

The Krups Pro Aroma coffee maker comes with:

  • Coffee machine base
  • Glass carafe
  • Cone filter
  • User manual

User Manual


  1. Before cleaning, be sure to unplug the power cord for safety.
  2. Gently wipe the exterior surface of the coffee maker with a soft cloth and warm water, avoiding the use of abrasive cleaners.
  3. Before using the coffee maker, ensure that all components are properly installed.

Brewing Coffee

  1. Open the water tank cover of the coffee maker and fill the water tank with cold water to the desired level.
  2. Insert the filter basket into the coffee maker and add the desired amount of ground coffee.
  3. Close the water tank cover, ensuring a secure closure.
  4. Set the brewing parameters of the coffee maker, such as brew strength and timer.
  5. Press the start button to begin brewing coffee.

Cleaning and Maintenance

  1. After each use, be sure to clean the glass carafe and filter basket to maintain the fresh taste of the coffee.
  2. Clean the coffee maker with a vinegar solution monthly to remove limescale and residue.
  3. Replace the filter regularly to ensure the filtration effectiveness of the water and the purity of the coffee taste.


  1. If the coffee maker fails to operate properly, check if the power cord is plugged in and if the power supply is normal.
  2. If the coffee maker is leaking, check if the water tank cover is securely closed and ensure that the water level in the tank does not exceed the maximum mark.